Heat the food to the right degree, to make it healthy and germ free!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Crispy Spring Rolls


  • 40g of dry glass noodles, julienne
  • 1 cup of grated carrots
  • 1/5 cup of cabbage, julienne
  • 3-4 dried shiitake mushrooms, julienne
  • 6 chopped cilantro stems (optional)
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper
  • 120g ground pork (optional)
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt and sugar
  • Egg roll wrappers
  • Oil


1. For ground pork (you can do chicken or beef), add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and mix it.

2. Combine glass noodles, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, cilantro stems and placed it in a bowl. 

3. Add a little bit of oil into frying-pan, add garlic and black&white pepper into frying -pan and saute that until it started to turn just a little bit brown. 

4. Once you get there, going with your pork until it almost spread apart into small pieces. Then going with your bowl of noodle and vegetables, add 2 teaspoon of soy sauce, a little bit of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. That's it, all you have to do is to cook that until it fully fully cooked!!!

5. Placed it on a plate and let it cool before you wrap!

Wrapping Time!!

6. We gonna have 1 egg, used it as glue to make sure that spring rolls are stick together and don't unwrappable.

7. Place 1 tablespoon of mixture on egg roll skin, roll like a cigar. Fry in hot oil, until brown and crispy. Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.


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